Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Modern Warfare 2 Tribute

Just attended the first lecture of Adobe Premier Pro (professional editing software) and got the idea to create a video to pay tribute to my all-time favorite and epic COD:MW2.
Sorry for the quality as I had to resize the video.I tried to upload the 1600x1900 version previously,it took me about 23 hours and then youtube uploading stuck at 100% showing "upload failed"! As I've requested before,please concentrate on the quality of the *work* and not on the quality of the *video upload*.
Anyways,thanks for watching.Video link below:

After Effects video

Morning Motion: Unlovable
Well,after a long break from the blog,I'm here to update a video I made a long time ago.
After two lectures of AfterEffects,I made this video.Quality is not good as I had to compress the video and then upload it because it was originally in HD format and my bandwidth doesnt allow me to upload such big files.
So,please concentrate on the quality of the *work* and not on the quality of the *uploaded video*.
Video link below.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cricket Mag-Cover

I swear this was just a headachesome formality.I,personally, never ever intended to do it as I don't even know A-B-Cs of cricket.Its just that I'm not that into this sport (all my fellow Indians are gonna beat me up I know).It was an assignment I HAD TO do.Just made it with no personal interest included at all!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nat Geo Wild

Here it comes,i.e. my next creation.No special efforts done.Just simple photoshopping for this montage.My main aim was to make it simple (just like Nat Geo original),while maintaining the short deadline.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nokia advertisement

Yet another assignment... for Nokia,this time.A montage.

                                                        Scene 1:
Scene 2: 
Scene 3:


Saturday, September 17, 2011


Don't ask why,but YES I've done this awfully weird thing.Picked up two images of my favorite Need For Speed game,combined them and resized it to a strictly constraint proportion.Oh,how ashamed I am of myself! Well,more stuff rollin' in soon.Hope I'll improve.